When the heart calls

Following an invitation by businesscoach Femke Hertog and her Miracle makers program last september, I took a hard honest look in the mirror.
It showed me two things.
I repeatedly wasn’t true to myself. I trusted an unreliable outside source more than I did my inner, reliable, self. Hard to acknowledge, but painfully true.
I manifested this. Me. No one else.
It was up to me to change course.
So I did.
I listened to the call. That tiny whispering voice inside.
A poem rolled out.
One poem became two, three, four and before I knew it there were two whole bundles full of heartfilling, pure, heartbreakcomforting poetry.
By me, for me.
I showed a few to a dear friend. ‘Share this with the world. So many people are in pain from a broken heart. They need this.’
My inner source agreed.
So I do.
‘Dark love’ and twin ‘Als alles leeft’ will soon be available for every soul, lost in heartbreaking loss, searching for a spark of light.
Providing that spark it will.
In the meantime I invite you to look in the mirror and hear that tiny whisper. What does your heart try to tell you?
#sundaysenses #zinnigezondag #write #truestory #real #heartbreak #honest #mirror #poem
#poetry #loss #whisper #whispersoftheheart #writer #poet #healing #selfhealing #selfcare #takecareofyourself